Why Honed Concrete is Perfect for your Outdoor Entertaining Area

Why Honed Concrete is Perfect for your Outdoor Entertaining Area

Do you have an outdoor entertainment area, patio or alfresco you’re looking to revamp?

Aside from the plants, furniture and dining tables, the flooring you choose can be a “make it or break it” decision. That’s why we recommend opting for outdoor honed concrete!

What is Honed Concrete?

Concrete is the world’s most widely used material for building and construction. This composite item is actually composed of aggregated smaller materials that are bonded together into a hard, solid substance.

A honed finish, when it comes to concrete, refers to a smooth surface-level texture accompanied with a matte aesthetic. This is as opposed to a high gloss or shiny appearance. With honed concrete, your flooring will have a consistent look and texture.

Both honed and polished concrete is achieved by using fine diamond abrasives to cut away at the surface layer of the concrete floor. This is done until both the desired finish, texture and aesthetic is achieved. Both indoor and outdoor honed concrete goes through this same manufacturing process.

Honed Flooring for Your Outdoor Area

That all may be well and good, but why consider honed concrete for your outdoor patio or alfresco?

Achieve Your Style

Thanks to the manufacturing process of honed concrete, it can be easier to achieve versatile styling to match the rest of your chosen aesthetic. If you’re big on entertaining, it’s important that you feel your outdoor area matches with your preferred style design and looks just as warm and appealing as the rest of your home.

Create Something UniqueBy the same token, honed flooring allows you to add a level of uniqueness to your outdoor entertainment area. Concrete, despite the classic grey shading associated with it, actually offers a lot of customisable potential. Make sure to speak to our team of honed and polished concrete professionals for expert advice on what you can achieve with your concrete flooring.

Easy to Clean

Honed concrete isn’t just about beauty, it’s practical too! Cleaning food, removing drink stains, and conducting general maintenance is easy with outdoor honed concrete. The days of worrying obsessively about how to keep everything spick and span are over!

Bright and Natural

When it comes to your outdoor entertainment area, there’s great value in keeping a bright and natural look to it. Honed concrete flooring offers a great solution to capture the rugged beauty of an outdoor environment and allows any exterior lighting you have to be brightened and illuminated thanks to its reflective surface.

Timeless Popularity

It’s not always easy to find a flooring material that’s both timeless and fashionable. Honed concrete is not just trending in popularity now–making it a great option for those after a fashionable choice of flooring for their outdoor entertainment area–but also brings with it a timeless aesthetic that won’t seem outdated in the future.


Honed concrete is also a lot less slippery than polished concrete. For spaces prone to exposure to moisture–such as rain on your outdoor entertainment area–it’s important to opt for as safe a surface as possible.
Not to mention that honed floor allows for excellent drainage and offers high durability and resistance to even extreme weather conditions. If you’re looking for a more practical alternative to polished concrete floors, opt for honed concrete!

Cost effective

Crucially, honed concrete flooring is high cost effective. In addition to the budget-friendly cost of the material itself and installation, the long-term durability also allows for savings and a strong return on investment for a long time to come.

For honed and polished flooring Perth wide, call Designer Floors!

Whether you’d like to know more about honed and polished concrete floors or anything else to do with your outdoor entertainment area, make sure to call the team here at Designer Floors. We even offer a free measure and custom quote as well!